Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dribble Drive Motion Offense - Kentucky Layups

Here is a drill to incorporate into your Dribble Drive Motion Drills, it is a time drilled where you are working on dribbling full court and finishing layups it is a team drill.


  1. So it's just a basic up and back sort of drill? Where the players start at half-court and run to the basket for a quick layup... and then they switch sizes of the court and repeat?

    Obviously this kind of a drill is designed to practice layups, but do you really think this is the BEST way to practice this particular skill?

    I somethings think that speed drills like this one (where you try and make as many baskets in as short a time as possible) are not actually doing what they are designed to do. In order words, I kind of thing that concentrating on speed, rather than proper form or technique, might actually be a bad way to practice.

    Obviously practice of any kind is probably good. I just wonder what the BEST way to practice a skill such as layups might be?

  2. You have a great point, but in my opinion in the dribble drive motion offense this drill is helping the players learn how to play at the speed they need to develop their skills. A suggestion could be to have them all do power layups off two feet.
